Your loved one will be brought into our care at either our Hemel Hempstead or Berkhamsted premises. We have a mortuary in each location, with temperature controlled areas where your loved one will stay until the day of the funeral.
Author: Mark Worley
Can we specify the attire for your staff?
Our professional image is very important to us. Our staff will always be turned out in black suits when working, and our funeral directors wear a gold cravat. We can wear different coloured ties and pocket squares should you wish to provide these. Unfortunately we cannot provide suits in other colours or casual attire for funeral work, however if you wish to use your own bearers (friends or family for instance), they can wear whatever you choose.
Can we supply our own coffin?
Due to the need for the coffin to be structurally sound and to meet environmental health regulations and for both burial and cremation, and emissions regulations for cremations, we are unable to accept coffins other than those supplied by us, or supplied by another funeral director as part of a repatriation package. Certain coffins and caskets supplied for repatriation may not be suitable for use in this country, but we will advise you when we have made an examination.
Why do we need pallbearers when the coffin could be wheeled?
We always supply a minimum of four bearers for each funeral. Most families would prefer for a coffin not to be moved on wheels at a funeral, and even where this is necessary (usually due to local regulations or access issues), we still have to provide staff to lift the coffin on and off the wheels, and to control them during transit. Should you choose to supply your own bearers, we will always provide our own to accompany them, as often the physical and emotional exertion can be too much for some family members. Our bearers are also required to drive our vehicles.
When can we visit the chapel?
Our normal office hours at Hemel Hempstead are Monday to Friday 9:00 to 5:00, and at Berkhamsted are Monday to Friday 10:00 to 4:00. During these times, you can book an appointment to spend some time in our chapel by contacting the relevant office. Occasionally we may be able to provide a member of staff to facilitate a visit outside of these hours, however this cannot by guaranteed.